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Michael Young

"My purpose is to help other people find and walk in their purpose…if you’re willing to serve other people, you’re serving our seeds to be successful as well."

2022 Neighbor

Toutes les photos sont une gracieuseté de Jehan LLC Photography

Mon histoire

A product of the Northeast side of Columbus and a graduate of Mifflin High School, Michael fosters the success of others in his community. Inspired by the leaders of the city, Michael uses his platform to guide his congregation on Sundays as Lead Pastor of the City of Grace Church, but his impact resonates far beyond the walls of the church. An advocate for action, Michael has provided community, education, and access to food to uplift residents and set them up for success. Hear Michael’s story below.

Michael Young
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Columbus est mon quartierest un programme du Neighborhood Design Center amplifiant les individus BIPOC à Columbus (Ohio).


Le programme est possible avec le soutien de la Columbus Foundation et d'Orange Barrel Media


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