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Shaletha Sanders, B.A., M.S.

"When you give back, it’s a blessing to you, because you’re helping someone who is unable to help themselves."

2022 Neighbor

Toutes les photos sont une gracieuseté de Jehan LLC Photography

Mon histoire

Raised in the Brentnell neighborhood of Columbus, Shaletha has become a strong voice in the community for women in roles as a motivational global speaker, author, mentor, entrepreneur, and coach. Drawing upon her own experiences, Shaletha persevered through self-doubt and loathing to inspire and uplift her community through her faith, smile, and willingness to help the less fortunate. She also cherishes her roles as a first lady of the Faith Empowerment Center, Wife to Bishop Joel Sanders, and mother to Joel Jr., Josiah, and Madison. Hear Shaletha’s story below.

Shaletha Sanders, B.A., M.S.
00:00 / 32:56
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Columbus est mon quartierest un programme du Neighborhood Design Center amplifiant les individus BIPOC à Columbus (Ohio).


Le programme est possible avec le soutien de la Columbus Foundation et d'Orange Barrel Media


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