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Karim Jackson

“I had to be developed and grow into this person…and that's all thanks to the people that I was surrounded by. I try to be that same person for the younger generation, show them a positive path, something that is possible regardless of what zip code you come from.”

2023 Neighbor

All Photos Courtesy of Jehan LLC Photography

Mon histoire

Rooted by his familial values in education, Karim Jackson specializes in community relationship and opportunity building in the education sector. A proud Wilberforce University graduate, and heavily inspired by his father’s career as a teacher and coach and mother’s service as a social worker, Karim has found his calling in raising, coaching, and creating more educational opportunities for students in Columbus. As the Assistant Director of Development for I Know I Can and Founder and Executive Director of Jackson Sports and Leadership Academy, Karim aims to foster personal and academic development in youth through his work and voluntary pursuits. Hear Karim’s story.

Karim Jackson
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Columbus est mon quartierest un programme du Neighborhood Design Center amplifiant les individus BIPOC à Columbus (Ohio).


Le programme est possible avec le soutien de la Columbus Foundation et d'Orange Barrel Media


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